Monday, September 1, 2008

finally my 6th day run is over for a day! Long week and the ol body is sore! Tomarrow Max starts 3rd grade! He will have Mrs.Boren. Wed the other kids will start I'll have a Senior 2 juniors and a Sophmore!
Hopefully Mark and Derek won't get kicked off the bus this year! Or jump into the canal or any of the other things I got calls home from last year!
Danielle and Chelsea got there info for O.S.U . Chelsea wants to be a zooligist or a marine bioligist. Danielle don't know yet.


sharon said...

I am so glad you got the day off today. I bet Max is excited to start 3rd grade; unbelievable that they are all getting so old!!!Hope you had a great Labor Day and I'm glad that all the kids are ready to go back to school. They will be good; they promise!!! Love you!!!

Unknown said...

Ah...but your kids antics keep me entertained!

Straight to Your Hart said...

Hey miss/mrs. green thumb the produce looks so good! It's time for a dog, cause the kids "need" one, they look like great care-takers. Hmmm, can I jump in the canal with them??? Love you, Mel